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Protesters descend on Daily Mail HQ

Right-wing paper's targets declare: 'We're proud to be hated by you'

Protesters descended on the Daily Mail's offices on Sunday to strike back at the paper's campaign of hate.

Hundreds flocked to the People's Assembly protest at the newspaper's west London offices after the hard-right rag smeared Ed Miliband's father Ralph, declaring the respected academic's legacy "evil" and accusing him of "hating Britain" despite Miliband Snr having fought for Britain in World War II.

Protester David Duke told the Morning Star: "I'm here today not just because of the vile attack on Ralph Miliband.

"I've had enough of attacks on Muslims, gays, people on benefits or anyone else the paper doesn't agree with.

"I find the Daily Mail's values revolting. It produces bile and hatred and is ruining our society."

Mr Duke was not alone in his convictions.

Protesters from all walks of life demanding public contrition from the disgraced rag, sang jovially in the sunlight while just metres away in Kensigton the Daily Mail offices were cloaked in shadow.

The attack on Ralph Miliband has acted as a catalyst for a public disgusted at the paper's bullyboy practices against individuals and groups that don't subscribe to its right-wing ideology.

Despite being condemned by politicians and public figures on all sides of the political spectrum and a humiliating media backlash, the paper still refuses to apologise.

Most of the speakers at the rally made it clear that they were not calling for press freedom to be curbed.

But they were keen for the Mail to be held to account.

"We cannot stand by and let this go without serious opposition. This newspaper does not deliver a true message. It lies to people and it makes them miserable," NUT general secretary Christine Blower told the protest

"If you read the Daily Mail every day you'd barely get out of bed.

"It's 'you hate this person and you hate that person.' The Mail's campaign of hate against anyone who's different should be exposed."

Author and journalist Owen Jones, speaking for the People's Assembly, warned that time needed to be called on the Daily Mail's divisive tactics before its effects are felt on the British political system.

Mr Owen said: "We've got one message - enough is enough. Stop your campaign of hatred bile and venom. It turns people's anger at ever falling living standards away from those at the top who are responsible, to their neighbours.

"It turns them against the unemployed, against immigrants, against public-sector workers.

"If that campaign is pretty dirty now we'll see how dirty it will get in the run up to the next election.

"It will be a dirty vicious campaign indeed.

"And that's why we've got to speak out, to say we're not going to stand back and let you demonise and spread lies and myths.

"Let's go out there and send a message of solidarity, of pride of love for each other, without being turned against each other by this vicious rag."


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