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JEREMY CORBYN told outsourced security guards at London’s Great Ormond Street Hospital today that they will be victorious in their fight for racial justice.
The workers, represented by the United Voices of the World (UVW) union, began a historic six-week strike by holding a rally outside the world-famous children’s hospital.
The industrial action, set to be the longest in NHS history, began after the predominantly black and ethnic minority migrant workers said that they were paid less than their mainly white in-house colleagues and lacked basic rights including sick pay.
To shouts of “shame” from the large crowd, two pregnant workers stressed that they faced having to make ends meet without maternity pay, while fellow guard Samuel said: “Without justice, there is no peace.”
The staff, who are also pursuing legal claims under the Equality Act, are employed by Carlisle Support Services, a company owned by billionaire Tory donor Lord Ashcroft.
Mr Corbyn, who led the Labour Party between 2015 and 2020, told the Morning Star: “Our health service is being diced up, sliced up and carved up by privatisation and outsourcing.
“We need all staff employed on NHS conditions.”
UVW general secretary Petros Elia said that hospital management had “a choice to make.”
He told the Star: “They can allow one of the longest strikes in NHS history to take place, which will be a disgrace on their name forever. Or they can negotiate, talk and ultimately concede the most basic rights workers enjoy.”
A hospital spokesperson said that its security arrangements had been “contracted [out] for many years to ensure a high-quality, resilient service that meets industry regulations.
“In-house or otherwise, these colleagues are highly valued members of our team.
“We recognise their right to speak up with concerns.”
Carlisle was also contacted for comment.