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Youth for Sustainable Travel activists to travel to Cop26 on the ‘climate train’

A GROUP of environmental activists from around Europe will travel to the Cop26 summit in Glasgow onboard a specially chartered “climate train.”

Around 500 people, who will also include representatives of the rail industry and policy-makers, will set off from Amsterdam on October 30.

The journey has been billed as “Rail to the Cop” and is organised by Youth for Sustainable Travel, who sailed across the Atlantic Ocean in 2019 to join Cop25.

After leaving Amsterdam the delegation will travel via Rotterdam and Brussels to London, before taking an Avanti West Coast train to Glasgow.

The organisations behind the climate train, including those of the European rail industry, say they want to promote rail transport as an alternative to aviation.

Mara de Pater, chairwoman of Youth for Sustainable Travel, said: “We organised a programme on the train to bring the different expertise and perspectives into discussion in dialogues and workshops.

“The core theme in these sessions is fair and sustainable transition in the travel industry.”


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