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Anti-fascist demonstrators see off the far right in Cardiff

ANTI-FASCIST campaigners took to the streets of Cardiff at the weekend to see off the threat of the far right, who called demonstrations two days running.

On Saturday just 18 people answered the far right’s call to protest at the Senedd and they were opposed by over 400 counterdemonstrators.

And hundreds turned out by Cardiff's Central Library today to face down fascist groups for a second day.

Eight fascists turned up but were scared away by the hundreds they faced in Cardiff.

The crowd heard a message of peace from the Rev Sarah Jones of the local St John’s Church.

"You all look beautiful," she told the assembled hundreds of Muslims, trade unionists, Palestine Solidarity and Black Lives Matter groups.

She implored the crowd not to respond with violence to any provocation from the far right. 

Cardiff Black Lives Matters’s Kwabena Devonish said that Saturday’s unity rally outside the Senedd was called alongside pro-Palestine groups, trade unions, refugee and interfaith organisations.

“The counterdemo was organised to counter the far right, who used the guise of a vigil for victims of Southport attack to push anti-refugee and Islamophobic rhetoric. 

“We must continue to build an anti-racist resistance to push the fascists off our streets and not allow racist rhetoric to poison our communities,” Ms Devonish said. 

TUC Cymru general secretary Shavanah Taj spoke outside the Senedd, bringing a message of peace and solidarity from the trade union movement for the people of Southport following the horrific and tragic events. 

The WTUC has written to the Welsh government to highlight workers’ concerns about far-right activism in their communities, including spreading false information.


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